Host Safely!

This is the future of antimicrobial technology. Daily germ defence for your family! Our skin & surface sanitisers are formulated to kill the toughest germs for longer, without harsh chemicals.

Is a clean, sterile environment important for your business?

In Food Manufacturing a contamination will be detrimental. And, if you’re responsible for the wellbeing of elderly or small children, outbreaks can be deadly.
No matter what type of business you’re in, the best solution is to avoid and prevent disastrous events.
Long lasting advanced antimicrobial technology is the solution you hadn’t realised had been invented! Zoono provides cost effective broad-spectrum antimicrobial protection which is effective against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria and is brought to you by a credible ASX business.
Protection against bacteria is more important than ever as microorganisms evolve, and antibiotics become less effective. Zoono significantly reduces the spread of harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, mould and yeast. Our innovative technology will last up to 30 days on treated surfaces and up to 24 hours on skin. We use an advance manufacturing process to provide long-lasting bonding capabilities.

Zoono technology is water-based, alcohol-free and free from dangerous chemicals. This is truly the next generation of antimicrobial technology.


Cruise Liners

The risk of outbreaks threaten customer satisfaction and damage reputations. Zoono provides a unique solution to the problems faced by the Cruise industry. People and surfaces need to be constantly protected.


Trains provide essential transport for commuters and travellers alike. Millions of people mixing every day need protecting.


With the significant turn-around in Hotels and the International nature of travellers it is essential that communal areas and rooms are protected.


The aviation industry has a unique set of issues regarding high volumes of passengers, recirculated air and rapid movement. Sterilising surfaces helps protect passengers and provides a unique point of difference by owning hygiene.


Introducing non-toxic hygiene practices with Zoono eliminates the need for antibiotics in live animal zones.


Zoono’s long-lasting antimicrobial protection is paramount in critical hygiene environments. A case study in an intensive care unit in Long Branch, NJ showed a reduction in pathogens of at least 30% after 7 days. While control rooms where standard routines were carried out showed an increase of 593-900%.